Ice Sculptures, Ice Luges, Ice Carvings for Baltimore Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC

We answer this question a lot. There are several types of luges and they all have there own silly names. These names are impossible to remember and constantly misused. We can make almost anything out of ice so if you don’t see it here it doesn't mean we can’t make it.

Channel Luges are exactly what they sound like. A block of ice with a channel cut in it to pour drinks into. While some find the idea of pressing their lips to this river of the unholy unsavory, We say those people haven’t pressed their lips on it enough. We suggest vendors use these devices with a chigger (measuring cup) or the pours will get longer as the night goes on. To the more collegiate customer we suggest a pour spout and a strong stomach.

Shot Luges are for the more timid customer. If your crowd want to get drunk enough to use a channel luge i suggest a happy medium where the shot is poured through a tube in the ice into a shot glass. These can be effective marketing tools for the next big liquor company but they do not promote as much debauchery as a channel luge.

Martini Luge, not shaken, not stirred, luged. You get the idea, chill your big drinks through a tube in a very fancy very big block of ice.  

If you are in the market for a luge we salute you. Party hard, but first send us the info on our contact form for a quote. 



ICE LAB ICE SCULPTURES Baltimore Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia Ice Sculpture and Ice Carving Best Source